Next step: building up a cooperative and why it’s so important

All the communities I know are organised in a cooperative or an association. There are two important reasons for this:

First off all: keeping the real estate in one hand. That makes the difference between sharing property and a real community.

If a handful off even well motivated people buy together a big object in the way that everyone buys his own part of property there is the danger that he sell it sometimes to people where you have no influence on their mindset.

The great danger is that the community will desintegrate slowly but constant.

For my opinion it’s very important that there will be no personal property. The whole object belongs to the cooperative and the cooperative members only get the right of living in their own apartment as long as they want to be part of the community.

If someone wants to leave the community he gets paid out his financial deposit from the cooperative, so that the real estate stays in one hand and belongs to all members at the same time.

The second thing is that you need a group of people who are willing to take responsibility for such a project in every different kind. You need a leading circle of people, who are willing to manage all belongings of he community, financial tasks as well as social issues or maintenance of the object. The larger the group, the more important representation is to come to solutions. Democratically elected by the members.

For me community living means that everyone should contribute to the community, because everyone is a part of it.

I think a cooperative is the best way to realize it

Write me what you think in the comments!

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